Church Governance
A church with purpose
The way we describe the role of the church Leadership at New Life is that we are pastor led, staff run, and elder guarded and guided. More specifically, the church leadership consists of three teams of people:
- The Board
- The Elders and Senior Pastors
- The Staff
- The Deacons
1. the board
New Life Bible churches are governed by the Africa New Life Ministries board. The board offers oversight and guidance to the workings and healthy functioning of our church.
Through the board leadership, policies and operations of the church are well guided, documents are curated, and audits are carried out to make sure the mission of the church is fulfilled with good stewardship.

2. The elders and senior pastors
The elders and senior pastors function primarily as discerners, and guardians of the church. Elders are not expected to be full time staff of the church, unless they are seniors Pastors on full time church staff. They may oversee specific projects or ministry areas in their capacity as elders. They have macro influence, offering guidance, direction, vision and advice. At the same time the elders are highly integrated within the congregation. The elder team is not involved in the day-to-day management or programming of the church.
3. The Staff
The purpose of the staff is to program and oversee the day to day operations of the church. They implement the vision of the church in various ministries and to provide godly support, encouragement, and leadership of the body. The staff is accountable to the senior pastor. The staff meets weekly for prayer and planning

4. the deacon
The role of the deacon ministry at New Life is to serve those in need. The ministry facilitates and coordinates the practicalities of meeting individuals or families material needs. It works closely with the elder board and the staff to meet as many needs as possible in an efficient and timely manner. The deacon ministry revolves around mobilizing others to serve. The Biblical qualifications of a deacon are stressed similarly to those of an elder (cf. 1 Tim. 3:8-12)