Church Leadership

Pastor Charles Mugisha
Lead Pastor
Reverend Dr. Charles Buregeya Mugisha is a pastor, educator, and the founder of Africa New Life Ministries and New Life Bible Church. Charles has served in Rwanda with a commitment of transforming orphaned, needy children and families into economically and spiritually flourishing communities across the nation. He has dedicated his life to transforming the lives and communities by teaching the gospel of Jesus and acting compassionately.
Charles was born to a Rwandan family living as refugees for nearly 35 years without a home country. Charles has a heart for refugees and understands, first-hand, the pain and challenges of growing as a refugee in a war-stricken country. Despite the challenges of growing up as a refugee, Charles is grateful to God and the church services that supported his life and education. He studied Theology at Reformed Theological College and furthered his education in pastoral studies and management at Multnomah University in Portland, Oregon. He earned his Doctorate at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Charles is married to Florence Mugisha, they met while attending Reformed Theological College as students. Pastor Charles and Florence work closely together in the ministry and church. Together, Charles and Florence are raising their five children, Isaac, Jonathan, Sarah, Bella and Joseph.
Charles was born to a Rwandan family living as refugees for nearly 35 years without a home country. Charles has a heart for refugees and understands, first-hand, the pain and challenges of growing as a refugee in a war-stricken country. Despite the challenges of growing up as a refugee, Charles is grateful to God and the church services that supported his life and education. He studied Theology at Reformed Theological College and furthered his education in pastoral studies and management at Multnomah University in Portland, Oregon. He earned his Doctorate at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Charles is married to Florence Mugisha, they met while attending Reformed Theological College as students. Pastor Charles and Florence work closely together in the ministry and church. Together, Charles and Florence are raising their five children, Isaac, Jonathan, Sarah, Bella and Joseph.
Pastor Fred Katagwa
Senior Associate Pastor
Fred Isaac Katagwa is the Senior Associate Pastor at New Life Bible Church. He holds a BA in Education from Makerere university, Masters of Arts in Pastoral studies with major
organizational leadership – Multnomah University from Portland Oregon USA and an MBA
from Oklahoma Christian University.
Fred has been a member of New Life Bible Church since it was started in 2003. He is a
passionate speaker and educator. He enjoys interacting with young people, leading, and
serving. Pastor Fred and Anna live in Kigali, Rwanda and they are blessed with three
children; Deborah, Daniel, and Destiny. Connect more with Fred on:
or on his Instagram: fred_isaac_katagwa

Pastor Florence Mugisha
Associate Pastor
Florence Mugisha is an Associate Pastor at New Life Bible Church; she also leads the
church’s women’s ministry. She loves to intercede for the church, to serve women, and to
laugh. She holds a BA in Theology from Multnomah University. Florence has been a member
of New Life Bible Church since the church was started in 2003. She is married to Charles and
together they have five children; Isaac, Bella, Jonathan, Sarah, and Joseph.
Connect more with Florence on: or on her Instagram: Florence
Pastor Frank Karemera
Associate Pastor
Frank Karemera is an Associate Pastor at New Life Bible Church. He holds a BA in Arts with
Education from Kigali Institute of Education (KIE). Frank joined New Life Bible Church in
2013. He loves to sing, to lead, and to serve. Pastor Frank and Janet Karemera live in Kigali,
Rwanda and they are blessed with 3 children; Manzi, Shami, and Gwiza. Connect more with
Frank on: or on his Instagram: fkaremera

Celestin Bahizi
Church Manager
Celestin Bahizi is a Deacon at New Life Bible Church and our church manager; he sees to it that the business of the church runs smoothly. He holds a BA in Theology. He enjoys reading, to serve, and to laugh. Celestin has been a member of New Life Bible Church since 2003. He is married to Scovia and together they have 3 children; Liza, Adony, and Anca. Connect more with Celestin on: or on his Instagram: cbahizi
Brenda Kayitesi
Church Administrator
Brenda Kayitesi is our church administrator; she makes sure the daily administration of the church is running. She holds a BA in Law from
University of Rwanda. She enjoys singing, praying, and giving
counseling. Brenda is married to Albert and together they have 3
beautiful children. She has been a member of New Life Bible Church
since 2015. Connect with Brenda on: or on
Instagram: @brendakayitesi

Pastor Jordan Murangwa
Worship Pastor
Jordan Murangwa is married to Naomi Yohana Ruhamah. He holds a BA of International Relations (BA). Jordan has been a member of New Life Bible Church since 2020.
He loves Listening to Songs and reading the Word of God to gain revelation and insight.
Jordan loves being with people, he spends most of his time laughing and socializing and playing soccer on Thursday nights. Connect with Jordan on Instagram: jordanmurangwa or reach him on
Oliver Tusiime
Media and Communications Coordinator
Oliver Tusiime commonly known as Olivia is the media and
communications coordinator at
New Life Bible Church. She holds a BA in Mass media and Communication from Mount Kenya University. She is a published author who enjoys writing and giving life to creative ideas. Connect with Oliver on or on Instagram: @oliviatsi_

Pastor Kwizera Samuel
Teens Pastor
Kwizera Samuel leads and Pastors our Teens church. He is currently pursuing an MDiv in Biblical studies. He has been a member of NLBC since 2016. He enjoys writing and playing board games.
Connect with Samuel on Instagram: kwizeralsamuel or reach him more on
Pastor Rutikanga Thierry
Children’s Pastor
Rutikanga Thierry is our children’s Pastor. He is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Business Management at Mount Kenya University. He has been a member of New Life Bible Church for 5 years. He enjoys outdoor activities like jogging and playing basketball.
Connect with Thierry on Instagram: rutikangathierry or reach him on