our impact
our impact
We approach ministry using the model of two arms; the arm of compassion, and the arm of the gospel.
Our holistic approach has made it possible for us to impact thousands of children, families, and people, daily, through education sponsorship, health care, vocation skills, feeding programs, and our church services/programs.
Our main areas of focus:
Education, since 2001 we have been sponsoring and empowering thousands of Rwandan children through education sponsorship from primary levels to graduating university.
Women Development Program, each year we graduate 90 women from our vocational program with high end skills in sewing and beauty fields. Over 800 women have been graduated from our Women Development Program.
Health care, working with our community nurses, we provide health care to all our sponsored children in every community we operate in. Our established private hospital; Dream Medical Center, located in Kigali, continues to provide high quality medical care to all Rwandans. More about the Dream Medical Center, visit www.dreammedicalcenter.rw
Feeding programs, through our sponsorship program we provide millions of meals every year to our sponsored children. Our food programs extend to our vulnerable church members through our partnership with Child Hunger Fund.
Through the arm of the gospel, we establish churches which serve as a place of worship, sound doctrine, and spiritual uplifting. All our churches operate under the Africa New Life Ministries legal entity with the name: New Life Bible Churches.
The first New Life Bible Church was planted in Kigali in 2003, since then other churches have been planted in various places of the country.
In encouraging and promoting sound doctrine, our bible school Africa College of Theology was established, ACT trains and releases hundreds of Pastors every year in servant and redemptive leadership, graduating men and women who are good stewards of the work of God.
More about the Africa College of Theology, visit www.actrwanda.org